변호사 소개

본문 바로가기

MyeongSoo KIM
MyeongSoo KIM Attorney
T.02-2183-5522 E. mskjlaw@jeongyul.co.kr


– Graduated from Dongsung High School in Seoul (1982)
– Graduated from the Seoul National University, Department of Jurisprudence at the College of Law (1986)
– Graduated from University of Washington, School of Law (LL.M), USA (2002)


– Passed the 34th national bar exam (1992)
– Graduate of the Judicial Research and Training Institute (class no. 24, 1995)
– Law Firm Gwangjang (Lee&Ko) (1995)

Publications and Materials



Address: 4th floor, Hakdong-ro 401, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (Cheongdam-dong, Geumha Building)
Contact Number : 02-2183-5500 ㅣ Fax Number :  02)2183-5588, 5599